Defense Scholarship Supports Microbiology Student
Defense Scholarship Supports Microbiology Student
UT Support Helps Microbiology Alumnus Build Business for a Better Environment
UT Support Helps Microbiology Alumnus Build Business for a Better Environment
Mikucki Digs Deep for Space-Bound Microbiology
Mikucki Digs Deep for Space-Bound Microbiology
Research Takes UT Faculty and Students to the Extreme
Research Takes UT Faculty and Students to the Extreme
$1.86 million NIH Grant Expands Andrew Monteith’s Immunology Research
$1.86 million NIH Grant Expands Andrew Monteith’s Immunology Research
A nearly $1.86 million National Institutes of Health grant will allow Andrew Monteith to further study how metabolic processes affect the ways certain white blood cells fight pathogens.
The Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) is the first to Monteith, an assistant professor since January 2023 in the Department of Microbiology with a joint appointment to the Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology.
Monteith’s work centers on neutrophils, the backbone of the innate immune response to infection. Although they possess an arsenal of antimicrobial processes to combat invading pathogens, neutrophils also cause inflammation, requiring a delicate balance to limit tissue damage while clearing pathogens.
“The goal of this proposal is to decipher how metabolic processes feed into regulating neutrophil function (immunometabolism) and to understand how comorbidities like diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune disease render neutrophils less effective at combating infection,” said Monteith.
His previous work showed mitochondria within neutrophils dictate whether they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in response to bacteria. NETosis is the release of a meshwork of the neutrophil’s chromosomal DNA studded with antimicrobial proteins to entrap and kill pathogens, he explained.
Mitochondria are typically seen as the “powerhouse of the cell,” but neutrophils derive nearly all their energy from other metabolic processes. Monteith proposes that mitochondria in neutrophils evolved to detect metabolic changes and dictate how neutrophils should respond during infection.
His research program will use cutting-edge technologies like chimeric immune cell editing (CHIME) to link the pathways that dictate how the neutrophils decide when to cast NETs and how diseases like diabetes and lupus interfere with these signals, causing aberrant inflammation.
The MIRA funding extends through June 2029. “I hope my research program can evolve into other areas of neutrophil immunometabolism, including understanding how diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune diseases impact neutrophil formation in the bone marrow (hematopoiesis), neutrophil persistence within tissues and at the sites of infection, and other inflammatory processes,” said Monteith.
Staff in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Office of Research and Creative Activity helped Monteith with the application budget and other documents before and after his proposal was scored.
Monteith’s interest in immune cells began in middle school, when his mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease.
“As I progressed through my undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral training, I was fascinated by how each immune cell played a very specific role and how they worked together to perform a functional immune response,” he said. “Better than 99 percent of the time, the immune response does its job, but occasionally something breaks and disease happens. I was most interested in understanding the mechanisms of these negative outcomes and strategies to swing the battle back in favor of the immune response.”
$1.82 million NIH Grant Funding Lindsey Burcham’s Women’s Health Research
$1.82 million NIH Grant Funding Lindsey Burcham’s Women’s Health Research
by Amy Beth Miller
With a $1.82 million National Institutes of Health grant, Assistant Professor Lindsey Burcham is leading interdisciplinary research on the vaginal microbiome, which can affect maternal, fetal, and pediatric health.
“We are incorporating techniques in microbial genetics/molecular biology, analytical chemistry, and in vitro and in vivo models to learn more about how microbes persist in the vaginal mucosa,” Burcham explained.
“This work will allow us to learn more about the availability of micronutrients in the vaginal tract and understand how vaginal microbes sense nutrient availability, respond to nutrient fluctuations, and share these nutrients within the community,” she said.
The five-year Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) began in 2023 and will run until June 2028.
Cultures and Computer Models
Burcham also is using computer simulations, or in silico models, in collaboration with UT microbiology Assistant Professor Zach Burcham to predict metabolite exchange between vaginal microbes.
“These models allow us to develop testable hypotheses to understand more about how microbes may interact with each other and behave in the host,” Lindsey Burcham said.
The researchers also will use synthetic communities, or controlled co-cultures of microbes, to study microbial interactions and to understand how individual microbes may impact the overall function of the microbial community.
Foundations for Exploration
The MIRA funding provides flexibility for investigators to be creative and work toward big-picture questions, Lindsey Burcham said. “The work outlined here will set the foundation for understanding more about the vaginal environment and microbe-microbe interactions, but I envision this is a starting point. We have already started some exciting new projects investigating other environmental factors within the vaginal tract, and we will go where the data take us.”
She has helped to assemble a collaborative “bench-to-bedside” research team including Zach Burcham and physicians Kim Fortner, Callie Reeder, and Logan Riley, as well as Associate Professor Jill Maples from the University of Tennessee Medical Center’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Lindsey Burcham has been curious about microbes and motivated to understand how they work since she was an undergraduate student, and her personal life influenced her research interests.
“My own pregnancies fueled my curiosity for understanding the vaginal tract and the impact of microbes on vaginal health,” she said. “Now as the leader of a research team, I am excited to be able to use my lab and resources to promote women’s health research and to normalize the discussion around vaginal health.”
Research and Mentorship: Frank May Supported as an Emerging Scholar
Research and Mentorship: Frank May Supported as an Emerging Scholar
by Randall Brown
Microbiology PhD student Frank May earned support as an SEC Emerging Scholar from the University of Tennessee Graduate School for the 2024–2025 academic year. This program provides $25,000 in fellowship support plus professional development, networking, and mentoring for chosen students in their final year of doctoral work.
As one of the three UT PhD students supported by this program for the year, May will also receive travel support to attend professional conferences.
“I would like to congratulate Frank May on this important award, which sends a positive message about microbiology and the natural sciences at UT,” said Professor Kate Jones, dean, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences. “His excellence in research, teaching, and outreach positions him to be a future leader in his chosen field.”
The financial support of this fellowship will give May more opportunity to focus on research as he completes his PhD program.
“This will enable me to spend the majority of my time working in the lab, both performing my own experiments and mentoring undergraduate students in conducting theirs,” said May.
Professor Heidi Goodrich-Blair, head of the Department of Microbiology, praises May’s dedication to scientific discovery and discourse and to student classroom and research success.
“He is a talented researcher who is untangling the complex relationships among bacterial viruses and plasmids and the cells they infect, and the higher order impact (e.g., on ecosystems) of these relationships,” said Goodrich-Blair. “His findings will have far-reaching ramifications because such impacts are ubiquitous among all cellular life on Earth.”
May’s research seeks to understand how mobile bacterial DNA alters the ability of bacteriophage—viruses that infect bacteria—to infect their hosts.
“The model organism we use is from the marine environment, giving us a better understanding of the impact of these mobile pieces of DNA, called plasmids, on this environment,” said May. “Additionally, these findings can also be extrapolated further to help us identify and understand bacterial defense strategies to viral infection.”
Goodrich-Blair also notes May’s mentorship of numerous undergraduates in independent research and his enthusiastic engagement in academic and community outreach and in organizing and participating in departmental activities.
“It cannot be understated how influential May has been on departmental committees and in representing his fellow graduate students on important issues,” she said.
May will use the support to pair outreach and professional development to represent UT microbiology at academic conferences—and return with fresh perspectives for the Vols he mentors.
“This award will assist me in attending the American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators and the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students paired conferences,” he said. “These meetings highlight new and evolving practices that better engage undergraduate students in an inclusive and equitable manner. This opportunity will expose me to new strategies that will help me grow as a biology educator to better serve future students.”
Steven Wilhelm & Brittany Zepernick Published in ‘The Conversation’
Steven Wilhelm & Brittany Zepernick Published in ‘The Conversation’
Losing winter ice is changing the Great Lakes food web – here’s how light is shaping life underwater
Winters on the Great Lakes are harsh – so much so that the scientists who work there often focus on the summer months, when tiny microbes at the base of the food chain were thought to be most productive.
However, emerging research is changing our understanding of these winter ecosystems and shining a light on a vibrant world of winter activity just below the ice.
Scientists discovered in the early 2000s that communities of diatoms – tiny photosynthesizing algae – were thriving in the light under the wind-swept lake ice. But, it turns out, that was only part of the story.
As the Great Lakes’ winter ice disappears – it hit record lows in the winter of 2023-24 – new analyses show that some diatoms appear to have a different way to create energy and survive in the dark, turbid ice-free water until summer.
These microbes are crucial to the Great Lakes’ health. They clean the water of pollutants and are the first step in the complex food web that supports a fishery that powers part of a regional economy. Changes here can have widespread effects on the lakes’ ecology and direct economic effects on surrounding communities.
Oozing up from the ice
Interest in life under the ice erupted in 2007, when an international team of scientists onboard a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker noticed something unusual as the ship worked its way through the Lake Erie ice.
As the ice broke, dark brown water oozed up from the lake. It was teeming with diatoms.
There had been sporadic studies of the winter microbes in the past, but limnologists – scientists who study lakes – didn’t have the tools to fully understand the microbes’ behavior until recently.
For the past five years, the Joint Genome Institute of the U.S. Department of Energy has supported a molecular biology project that sequenced the RNA of all the microorganisms from samples collected from Lake Erie to address how these organisms survived winter months and might adapt, or not, to future climate scenarios. New observations about how diatoms may be using light are now emerging from this effort.
Using proteins common in animals’ eyes
Normally we think of diatoms as organisms that use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into living material by photosynthesis. They’re pervasive in summer across the Great Lakes, where they help feed the lakes’ multibillion-dollar sport and commercial fisheries.
During winter, diatoms can create energy from the light that filters through the wind-swept ice. However, when the ice is not present in winter, the diatoms are mixed into lake water that can, at times, be best described as chocolate milk. Light penetrates poorly through this murky water, and the diatoms get less of the specific wavelengths of light that drive photosynthesis.
We collected samples in the winter of 2019-2020 to compare how diatom communities in open waters differed from those that live under ice. We were surprised that when ice wasn’t present, some diatoms were using a different form of energy acquisition – driven by a pigment called rhodopsin.
Rhodopsins are light-responsive proteins that are perhaps best known as a key component of the eyes of animals. In marine systems, it was shown in 2001 that these proteins are involved in generating energy in bacterial cells, specifically producing adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP is a chemical that organisms use as a power supply for many cellular processes, leading to its nickname as the “molecular currency” of living cells.
It now seems that some Lake Erie diatoms use this energy generation mechanism to augment light-limited photosynthesis in ice-free winter months.
Differences in the two processes may be important: Photosynthesis helps cells fix carbon to produce new biomass as well as cellular energy in the form of ATP. With rhodopsins, while ATP is produced, there is no direct carbon fixation.
This means that cells can likely persist but not grow in these murky waters. But in biology, survival is everything: If an organism’s competitors do not survive harsh conditions but the organism does, there will be more nutrients when conditions improve. To this end, the rhodopsins in these diatoms appear to be as much a survival mechanism and an opportunity to persist in murky, ice-free winter conditions.
Watching lake life evolve as the climate changes
As we move into a warmer climate and ice-free era for Lake Erie and other Northern temperate lakes, this data suggests that, over time, the diatoms that thrived in ice-covered lakes may be replaced by diatoms with rhodopsins in winter months.
The consequences of this change are potentially manifold: Small changes at the base of the food web can affect fisheries. Moreover, some diatoms are known to produce compounds that are toxic to wildlife and humans.
We have only guesses at this point as to how changes in algal species will alter fisheries, tourism and coastal resource management in the long run. How algal communities change over time is a response to many drivers, and light is just one. But having the chance to watch this change from the beginning creates a unique opportunity to understand the effect of a warming climate on the Great Lakes and similar lakes around the world.
Steven Wilhelm, Professor of Microbiology, University of Tennessee; Brittany Zepernick, Postdoctoral Researcher in Microbiology, University of Tennessee, and Robert Michael McKay, Director and Professor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, University of Windsor
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
UT Faculty Join New $6.5 Million Grant to Study Climate Links Between Algal Blooms and Human Health
UT Faculty Join New $6.5 Million Grant to Study Climate Links Between Algal Blooms and Human Health
Faculty in the University of Tennessee Department of Microbiology are part of a new $6.5 million, five-year federal grant to establish a virtual center for the study of links between climate change, harmful algal blooms, and human health.
Increased precipitation, more powerful storms, and warming Great Lakes waters all encourage the proliferation of harmful algal blooms composed of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae. These microorganisms can produce toxins harmful to humans, pets, and wildlife.
Though the pea-green summer blooms in western Lake Erie are the best-known in the region, cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, or cHABs, now occur in all five Great Lakes and in fresh waters around the US. These blooms can increase water-treatment costs for local governments and harm vital summer economies in communities that enjoying fishing, swimming, and boating. In the Knoxville area earlier this year, a cHAB of Planktothrix rubescens (“pink algae”) in Meads Quarry at Ijams Nature Center closed swimming and other activity for a month.
“The University of Tennessee has a 25-plus year history of contributing to research on the security of our water supplies with respect to harmful algal blooms, with the Great Lakes being a major focus,” noted Steven Wilhelm, the Kenneth and Blaire Mossman Professor of Microbiology and one of the project’s leaders.
The UT team, including Wilhelm and David Talmy, assistant professor in the Department of Microbiology, will focus on the effects of a changing climate and identify new players in the biological problems the lake is having. To understand the drivers of toxic algal bloom events, they previously collaborated with researchers in Michigan and Berlin, Germany, on the development of mathematical models that predict toxin production by cells, and how some of the proposed abatement methods may have unintended consequences.
Understanding best abatement practices and projecting the long-term effects of a changing climate—as well as the disruptive storms that go with it—are a major goal of this research. Participants will work across four collective projects to enable an assessment of the human health risks of cHAB toxins. These complementary projects seek to determine how climate change affects cHABs and how cHABs impact human health.
This virtual center was founded at Bowling Green State University in 2018 with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Following the retirement of founding director Professor George Bullerjahn at BGSU, the center’s administrative home moved to Ann Arbor with renewed funding from the two federal agencies under the directorship of University of Michigan (UM) Professor Gregory Dick.
The center maintains core projects as it evolves to pursue new directions informed by more than 70 research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals by center-funded scientists since 2018. In addition, center-funded researchers will develop new technologies for advanced monitoring and forecasting of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in collaboration with colleagues at NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research laboratory and the U-M-based Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research.
“The threat to water resources in the Great Lakes—which hold about 95% of the surface fresh water in the US and support a multibillion-dollar blue economy—is real,” said Dick. “But despite these serious threats, key scientific questions surrounding the climate drivers and health impacts of cHABs remain unresolved. Our knowledge is not yet sufficient to predict how a changing climate will impact cHAB distributions, community composition, or toxicity.”
Studies will combine observation, experiment, and modeling in areas of lake science, climatology, microbiology, and biomedical science. A community engagement core led by The Ohio State University (OSU) will communicate findings to relevant communities and stakeholders.
In addition to UT, UM and OSU, partners include more than 28 faculty researchers and dozens of students at Bowling Green State University, the University of Toledo, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, University of North Carolina, James Madison University, the State University of New York, and the University of Windsor in Canada.
By Randall Brown